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Business Coaching for Success

Time for Change

26th May 2010

I think a lot of people avoid change for a number of reasons. The most obvious ones are:
1. That they do not have enough time to work on the business as they are too busy fire fighting.
2. They don’t know how or where to start.
3. Fear of what might happen. (More on this another day).

In reality these are just excuses, but it all comes back to how badly you really want something. If you are content with mediocrity, and you are happy to “get by” with the way things are, then the desire to change will not be strong enough to drive you to change. In other words, even if the vision of long holidays in the sun, with no monetary worries and a business working smoothly in your absence is very strong (and why wouldn’t it be), if the pain of where you are, is not great enough, it is highly unlikely that you will be motivated to change.
I often come across people who will swear blind that they want to change, that they have a strong vision, and that they will welcome my input. However, when it comes down to it, they simply do not have the drive, energy or enthusiasm to get up and take the first steps.
They will use any of the excuses above, or others, such as not having enough money, but the truth is that unless something significant changes to threaten their current situation, they will never do it.
No doubt we have all heard anecdotes of people who have “burned their bridges”, so there is no turning back, because that is the only way they know how to make themselves take action.
It doesn’t have to be that drastic, but you may find a little pain is a very good thing to get you started.

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