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Business Coaching for Success

Pain in the Neck

25th June 2015

I have recently been going to a chiropractor as I have been suffering from neck and shoulder pains. The person I have been seeing says it is probably down to a pinched nerve, or old sports injuries, but he has also found that this has resulted in my left shoulder being higher than my right, and apparently my left leg appearing shorter than my left. I know this makes me sound a bit like Quasimodo, but I think these differences are tiny, and probably only visible to a professional like him.

However, the outcome of this gradual change (I’m told it may also have something to do with getting old) is that more and more aches and pains are materialising in my leg, my foot and my lower back. Essentially something needs to be done to stop me falling apart completely!!

So what, you may ask, has this got to do with business coaching? Well as my chiropractor said, many people like me are aware of the aches and pains gradually getting worse, but time and the ability to “soldier on” stop people from doing anything about it. Eventually this can lead to serious problems, and ultimately, as in one case he mentioned, could even lead to hospitalisation to operate on the problems. In other words there we all are, knowing that we have all sorts of issues and problems, but because of time, money, ignorance or even stubbornness or fear we do nothing about it until it is too late!!

Now look at your business. Are there issues and problems? Are they getting better or worse? Perhaps now is the time to stop sticking your head in the sand trying to ignore them, and perhaps you should find a coach to help you make things better.

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