8th August 2017
Are things slowing down in the economy now Brexit negotiations are underway, and the levels of uncertainty begin to grow? Sadly it still seems that there are those around who are hoping that things will start to go badly just so they can say “told you so”. In reality I am still seeing lots of positives everywhere with businesses in many different sectors forging ahead.
Building work, joinery, electricians, blinds, transport, computers and lawn mowers to name but a few all seem to be thriving, and on the whole it is still a matter of getting them to find time to see me, rather than sitting there wondering where the next piece of business will come from. The longer good things continue, hopefully the less likely it will be that the “nay-sayers” get their way, and we will then perhaps start to move forward as one, rather than half the population longing to see what happens once a whole raft of new opportunities arise, while the other half is doing everything in their power to stop it.
The phrase “cut off your nose to spite your face” springs to mind all too readily at the moment. Of course I understand that people have concerns, and may well in some instances be justifiably worried about the future. However it is incredibly difficult to learn how to swim whilst holding onto the side with one hand (trust me I know from bitter experience, literally rather than metaphorically). If we continue to hold onto the past (which I should point out was never that great for us in terms of what we got from the EU) we are never going to be able to benefit from the opportunities which lie ahead.
It is no doubt a bit of a leap into the dark, but speaking for myself, who took a chance to become a business coach, and the 250 or so business owners who have worked with me, and also let go, I believe sincerely it will be well worth it for all of us.
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